Consequently, the original scheme was a framework, on which the generations hung newer and newer discoveries made in nature. And the scheme grew more complicated and achieved its flowering in the Ancient World and the Renaissance of art. The masters of these two epochs portrayed man in his complete form, both inner and outer. Man was assembled and his inner condition was expressed. But despite their colossal mastery, they did not complete the savage’s idea: The reflection, as in a mirror, of nature on canvas. And it is a mistake to believe that their age was the brightest flowering in art, and that the younger generation must at all costs strive towards this ideal. Such a concept is false. It diverts young forces from the contemporary stream of life, thereby demoralizing them. Their bodies fly in airplanes, but art and life are covered with the old robes of Nero and Titians. Thus they are unable to see the new beauty of our modern life. For they live be the beauty of past ages.